Mina Memes – What can you do?

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We all know that a big part of a Cryptocurrency’s success lies in the strength of its Community and with Mina we are particularly lucky to have such a passionate and vibrant group of people from many different countries, many with a strong presence across social media

We thought it would be great to see if we can inspire some of the more creative members of the Mina Protocol Community to fire up photoshop and help us to produce a range of Mina memes that we people will be able download and use freely in order to promote the Mina across all the different platforms. 

Send your Meme’s via email to [email protected] with the subject ‘Mina Meme’. The more original the better, please no nudity or offensive material.

[button text=”CLick here to download a zip file of MINA logos (14mb)” color=”secondary” expand=”true” link=”https://minablog.zkok.io/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Mina-Logos.zip”][button text=”CLick here to download a zip file of random MINA MEMES (2.9mb)” expand=”true” link=”https://minablog.zkok.io/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/mina-memes.zip”][button text=”Click here to download Zip file of 3 Change my Mind Mina MEMES” expand=”true” link=”https://minablog.zkok.io/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/change-my-mind-mina-memes.zip”]

Here are some resources to help you to make a cool Mina Meme https://www.adobe.com/express/create/meme

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Thanks to the Mina unofficial Telegram chat for these ideas to inspire! 



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