Events: Fri July 1st ’22 – Brandon Kase @ Unchained, Berlin

The O(1) Labs and Mina Foundation teams have been busy recently with zkApp’s events in Israel, Istanbul, not to mention snarkyJS week and a contingency currently at ETHNewYork. The fast pace continues with many more events including Berlin later this week and Budapest next month planned for the team as zkApps come ever closer to testnet and then mainnet!

Brandon Kase is one of O(1) Labs’s most active team members and he will be joining a panelist of guests in Berlin at Unchained, described as “A cross-ecosystem gathering of DeFi’s greatest minds. First of its kind with key speakers from the Polkadot, Cosmos, Ethereum & EVM ecosystems”.

Fri, Jul 1, 2022, 9:00 AM CEST, Location, Alte Münze, Molkenmarkt 2, 10179 Berlin
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Tickets HERE

Here are some of the Mina Foundation & O(1) Labs Team (Brandon & Iryna) talking about Mina Protocol in Istanbul.

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