NEWS: Mina Wallet, Staking Power to be discontinued (TBC)

Mina holders trying to access their Staking Power wallet may have had some issues today (Sunday 6th November), this is due to a change in the developers service arrangement with Figment. We are waiting for an official announcement but it is understood the team will not be supporting the wallet in the future. Please see below for a direct quote from the Staking Power Telegram channel.

Hi, all, the service of from Figment to provide mina transaction broadcast and history queries are expired because they changed their app plan, all the existed plans are forced to upgrade to Enterprise plan, which will cost about several thousands dollars one month(we don’t know how much exactly because we can not contact them on weekend, currently we are in pro plan which expired and cost $50 one month), this is sucks. However, StakingPower wallet is a free tool to help to spread the community, we didn’t use it for profit, therefor, we can not afford the future cost and we will not afford that cost, we are preparing a temporary version which will connect to a temporary server and you can use it to transfer your funds out, after that, please discard this wallet. btw: your funds are ok, please be patient.

For users of the wallet it is very simple to transfer your Mina account into one of the other Clorio or Auro wallets simply by importing your seed phrase. No funds will be lost and your staking situation should not be affected by using a different wallet.

For further info you can reach out to the staking power team via their Telegram channel here.

There are currently two main Mina wallets Clorio & Auro both of which have been developed by the Mina community. There are currently no plans by the Mina Foundation to develop an official wallet, however both wallets have now been successfully audited at the foundations request. More info here > 

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Clorio wallet is currently the most popular Mina wallet. Audited and compatible with Ledger it is capable of running in your Windows, Apple or Linux system browser.

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Link to Audit info > 

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Auro is available as a browser extension and as a mobile App, Auro Wallet perfectly supports Mina Protocol and is completely open-source.

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Link to Audit info >

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