December 2022

Article: Mina Protocol Stablecoin Proposal

Article: Mina Protocol Stablecoin Proposal

Stablecoins haven’t received the best possible publicity in recent times, but a compliant, privacy preserving fiat coin via zero-knowledge proofs is seen in many circles as something of a holy grail for cryptocurrencies and a recent article written by Dr. Jonas Gross, Johannes Sedlmeir, Simon Seiter on the etonec website makes an interesting proposal on […]

Ledger Nano App now available for Mina Protocol

Ledger Nano App now available for Mina Protocol

Many people have been using their Ledger device in ‘developer mode’ for some time to safely store their Mina coins in ‘cold storage’, however Ledger have just announced that the Nano X and Nano S Devices are now fully compatible with Mina Protocol after a full audited by Least Authority.

Video: Community Call – MIP #001 to remove Supercharged rewards at the Hard Fork

Video: Community Call – MIP #001 to remove Supercharged rewards at the Hard Fork

Here is a recording of the Community call on Monday 12th December 2022 regarding the first ever MIP (Mina Improvement Process) proposed by Gareth Davies to remove Supercharged rewards from Mina Protocol at the next hard fork.

CSO of O(1) Labs, Izzak Mekler to transition to new role as advisor and board member

CSO of O(1) Labs, Izzak Mekler to transition to new role as advisor and board member

To commemorate Izzak’s amazing last five years, he will be a guest at a special ‘Light Chat’ hosted by Mina Foundation CEO, Evan Shapiro together with Emre (CEO of O(1) Labs) today (Tue 12th Decemeber at 12:30 PST/3:30 EST (20:30 UTC).

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