The Mina Foundation has just published a new updated roadmap for Mina Protocol While some things are being pushed back slightly, the potential for non consensus nodes, zkApps and ZK Oracles to all be here by the end of the year is something to be really excited about!
Official Announcements
Mina Foundation to burn Supercharged Rewards
Today saw an announcement via the Mina Protocol discord channel that the Mina Foundation plans to burn all future super-charged rewards, here is the announcement in full.
New Medium Post – 2022 Predictions: Zero-Knowledge Proofs Become Web3’s Killer Feature
Here’s an awesome article written by Mina Foundation regarding Zero-Knowledge Proofs and their place in the future of Web3.
Mina Snapps are now called zkApps
It seems that after some careful consideration the teams at O(1) Labs and Mina Foundation have decided that as we come closer to smart apps on Mina Protocol’s mainnet, in order to ensure maximum exposure and clarity ‘Snapps’ have been rebranded to be now know as zkApps.
Snapps: Are you ready for a #ProofofAlpha challenge?
Have you ever wondered just how smart or successful your fav YouTube crypto trader/influencer really is? Well now they can actually prove it. Mina Foundation partners, O(1) Labs are developing a Snapp that lets you prove your trading gains without sharing your private info.
Update from Evan Shapiro – 19th Jan 2022
Here is an update on Mina Protocol from Evan Shapiro. You can read the message directly on the Mina Protocol Discord Channel here. I
Mina Foundation: Near Future Road Map
This week the Foundation published an article entitled ‘Mina Protocol Product Priorities & Mina Foundation Mission’ detailing some of the important milestones coming up in the next 6 months and beyond.
Mina Protocol: The Milestones to come…
One of the things announced at the recent Mina Sputlight event was a clear road map for how the Mina Foundation plans to move the project forward.
Mina Foundation Snarkoween Fun!
ire some creativity this ‘Snarkoween’. Swag bags are up for grabs, all you have to do is get thinking ‘If a zk-SNARK was a creature, what would it look like?’
An Introduction to MinaExplorer’s BigQuery Public Dataset: Medium article by Gareth Davies
is full stack developer, Gareth Davies. A few month’s ago Gareth wrote an article on Medium that went into great detail about Evaluating a Mina staking pool’s performance and this week he has written a new article entitled ‘An Introduction to MinaExplorer’s BigQuery Public Dataset’.