Here’s something that was first mentioned by its creator, Gareth Davies on a recent Mina Ecosystem update, but I thought it could be a good idea to post a quick article about the function to raise awareness to more of the awesome Mina Community out there.
Mina Explorer
Info: Mina Ecosystem Updates Meeting: Fri 13th Aug 17:30 UTC
Are you curious about what others are building in Mina’s Ecosystem? The Technical Updates sessions are a great place to find out and learn more about all aspects of the Mina Ecosystem. The next meeting will commence at 17:30 UTC (16:30 GMT) on Fri 13th Aug (tomorrow). Guests on this edition of the Mina Ecosystem […]
Evaluating a Mina staking pool’s performance
Mina uses a proof of stake consensus mechanism with a block producer selection similar to Ouroboros, known as Ouroboros Samisika.
Community Tooling | Illuminate: Genesis Summit
Mina Foundation Board Member, Tess Rinearson, invites some of Mina’s core community members to discuss their tools, services, and their experience in the Mina community.
Running a Mina Archive Node
Mina is a succinct blockchain, and as a result, consensus nodes only store the recent history of the chain before discarding it (the last k blocks, currently 290).