Mina Protocol is one of the Silver partners for an exciting new Zero-knowledge initiative called ZPrize.
April 2022
Video: Türke – Evan Shapiro’nun 2022 Tahminleri ve Mina Hakkında Sıkça Sorulan Sorular!
This Turkish video provides some good information regarding Mina Protocol and Evan Shapiro’s predications for 2022.
nil-Foundation ETH-Mina bridge live on Ethereum testnet Ropsten
Sometimes it can be hard to see progress on projects that require such innovative solutions as Mina Protocol. Time-lines and road maps created with the best intentions rarely come to fruition prematurely, but from looking at the Github commits over the last 6 months one thing is very clear. Mina Protocol is doing something rather special.
Exchange news: Mina now available on Coinlist for US Citizens.
As of Tue 26th April 2022 all verified US kyc holders can now purchase MINA on Coinlist
New WIP zkApps from ETH Amsterdam
Alongside the demos and networking at ETHAmsterdam MINA was also a main sponsor and gave away some big prizes to hackathon participants.
Video: ETHAmsterdam 2022 – Mina Protocol zkApps: Zero-Knowledge Programming with TypeScript
Here is a recording of the presentation given by Brandon, Jason and Evan from ETHAmsterdam 2022 – Mina Protocol zkApps: Zero-Knowledge Programming with TypeScript on Friday Apr 2022.
Mina Protocol – Most active crypto project based on Github data for last six months
The awesome thing about Mina Protocol is the way the tech teams at O(1) Labs and the Mina Foundation are committing so much time and effort into snarkyJS and creating a framework for zkApps.
Video: O(1) Labs @ Zero Knowledge Summit Amsterdam 2022
Mina Protocol is popping up all over the place in Amsterdam this week and here is David Wong and Joseph from O(1) Labs talking about Kimchi (no, not the spicy Korean stuff), but “a collection of improvements, optimizations, and alterations made on top of PLONK. For example, it overcomes the trusted setup limitation of PLONK […]
Delegation Program Improvement Plan Updates
Recently, a committee was created from prominent members of the Mina Community together with Brian McKenna, Evan Shapiro and Tess Rinearson in order to look at how the Mina Delegation program could be improved.
EthAmsterdam: Fri 22nd April
The Crypto world is in Amsterdam and Mina Protocol & O(1) Labs teams are there too. With EthAmsterdam and Devconnect both happening in the same week it looks certain to be a good one, with workshops, hackathons, discussions, social events and much more.