MINA: Using zk-SNARKs to bring verifiable computation to crypto

Last Autumn (Oct 2010) Dystopia Labs held a special online zkp & Privacy Summit, it was a chance for many speakers to share their knowledge and discuss zkp (zero knowledge proofs) from every angle and their potential place in the current and evolving world of cryptocurrencies.

Speakers included names such as Sean Bowe from Z-cash and Ben Fisch, co-creator of Filecoin. Two speakers from (O)1 Labs also held Crowdcast sessions and Dystopia Labs have now made the first one (by Evan Shaprio) available to watch from YouTube (see below).

The video gives an early insight to potential Snark-powered use cases & applications, from within the Mina Protocol something that is now (with Apps like Teller) actually happening.

Until it also becomes available on YouTube you can also watch the Crowdcast by Vanishree Rao @ O(1)Labs (Session: A forward-secure signature — efficient in zero knowledge proofs, compatible with cold storage) HERE >

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