Mina Staking – Ask Figment

When I look at all the discussion taking place around MINA at the moment, the vast majority of it seems to be around Staking. Every validator has different rules, % and payout schedules and with epochs and supercharged rewards it can be a little confusing. I thought it would be a great idea to talk to Figment, one of the world’s largest blockchain infrastructure and services providers to try and get some clarity on the subject.

Do you have a question around staking? Let us know below and we’ll try to ask them as many different questions as possible. Obviously they can’t answer questions about particular validators, but the idea is to get a good all round understanding of the process. Figment are also looking after all the coins that are staked through the exchange where the ICO was help (Coinlist), so any questions relating to staking there could help the Community.

Mina is an inflationary token, to learn more about its tokenomics, click HERE

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