Polygon and Mina announce collaboration – implementing support for Mina on Polygon PoS

Polygon and Mina announce collaboration

It’s another exciting day in Mina World…. earlier this afternoon one of the Mina Community sent me a screengrab from this link from Blocktelegraph talking about the (now announced) collaboration between Polygon and Mina.

Strangely though when I tired to find the page on the website it had gone. As it happens literally minutes later an announcement came simultaneously from both Mina Protocol Twitter and the Polygon Twitter announcing the partnership (see below).

Polygon, (MATIC) a protocol and framework for building and connecting Ethereum-compatible blockchain networks, is now working towards implementing support for Mina on Polygon PoS The collaboration is incredibly significant as the bridge will enable developers building applications on Polygon to leverage privacy and verifiability via Mina’s zk-SNARK-based protocol.

Evan Shapiro, CEO of the Mina Foundation, expressed, “Mina Foundation shares Polygon’s dream of a fully decentralized ecosystem of dapps empowering users with control over their own data privacy. We are very excited about the privacy-preserving and verifiable applications that will be launched on Polygon utilizing Mina Protocol.”

Sandeep Nailwal, co-founder of Polygon, shared the following, “This announcement marks an incredibly important step in the evolution of DeFi and will allow developers building on Polygon PoS chain to seamlessly incorporate the enhanced privacy and verifiability enabled by Mina Protocol“.

This integration enables use cases, but not limited to, such as:

  • DeFi platforms to pull in user information privately and securely in order to meet KYC requirements or any other such requirements
  • NFT builders to keep ownership data private, and
  • Social Media dapps to verify that users are real people without requiring them to share PII(Personally identifiable information).

Polygon PoS and Ethereum developers interested in implementing Mina/Snapps on Polygon can fill out this form: https://bit.ly/mina-polygon to register their interest.


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